How do you signal within your organization that you have a new customer, and everyone should be especially alerted? Jon Taffer suggests using a red napkin.

You may know Jon Taffer from his TV shows Bar Rescue. I know Jonny Taffer as my bunkmate at Camp Winadu when I was a boy. He was a lanky, hilarious kid who grew up to build a TV empire by teaching people how to rescue bars and restaurants and help them succeed.

Table Six, New Customer

In a recent interview with Gary Vaynerchuk, Jon mentioned that when he comes in to rescue a restaurant, he loves to teach them the red napkin technique. A red napkin signifies to staff that table six is special. A first- time visitor to a restaurant has a 30% chance of returning. How can you improve those odds?

And it is difficult enough to get someone to come into a restaurant so why not signal that you want them to have an extraordinary experience. Red napkin guests get a free meal. And if he enjoys the meal, you give him a coupon for $5.00 off an entrée on his next visit. According to Jon, if you can get them to visit three times, they are likely to become a regular.

What’s your Red Napkin?

How do you signal throughout your organization that you have a new customer and they need special treatment? Of course, you want to treat everyone special – but first-time customers can help you grow.

Technology should allow you to find ways to identify that new customer as special. In a B2B environment where you have fewer customers and bigger average orders, you need to let everyone in the business know about who’s new each month.

Find a way to signal to your associates when you have a new client who needs some TLC.

Find your red napkin so you can fold new customers into your growth plans.

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