I can’t recall the last time I saw a dog sneeze, but I imagine it happens. Dog allergies, really?

While wandering through a farmer’s market in Kailua Beach early Sunday morning, we stumbled upon a booth selling special foods for dogs with allergies. What a perfect example of my marketing philosophy. Find a small niche and become a hero to some community.

The founder, Gary Novosel, started this business when he and his wife moved to Honolulu. He couldn’t find raw dog food like he fed his dog. He launched Raw Dog Hawaii to use the amazing ingredient from local farmers sold from his website and at farmer’s markets. Over time, he has improved the flavors and product line to give dog owners options to help them solve dog allergies. Gary believes dogs shouldn’t eat dry food – just raw food to help overcome various health issues dogs struggle with including allergies.

Nothing to Sneeze At: Dogs Have Allergies Too

  • Google a market segment, if you find millions of hits, move on. Find a small niche that you can own.
  • Think small and narrow – but with broad potential. The dog food industry, as an example, is a multi-billion-dollar industry with a huge, addressable market. No one is hyper-focused on dog allergies, so it’s a wedge segment. Also, raw dog food is something new to me although possibly not a new segment to dog owners.
  • Find emotional levers. There is an emotional connection pet owners have that could allow for significant pricing power. How much would dog lovers pay to solve a health problem for their beloved dog?

My advice to this owner: build a mailing list of dog owners who care about these canine allergy issues. That way, you can continue to market to this group online and build a community. If properly managed, you can sell this audience frequently and focus your marketing on reaching consumers who are interested in solving a problem (dog allergies) that no one else is focusing on.

Raw Dog Hawaii is nothing to sneeze at and a brand worth watching.

Looking for a niche? Let’s talk and brainstorm some other strategies to help you find the right niche. Text me at 919 720 0995 and let’s get busy.

Photo credit: Jeffrey Slater
