Have you watched Marie Kondo’s show on Netflix called Tidying Up? In the show, Marie and her translator go through people’s home to help them organize their things like clothes, kitchen goods, and garages. She dumps all their belongings in one place. Then she asks them only to keep whatever sparks joy.

If you are on the fence and not sure how you feel about that sweater or pair of shoes, toss it out.

This “sparks joy” thought inspired me to think about how important it is that your marketing tactics spark joy. Brands can try and do so many things out of FOMO (fear of missing out).

“I should be on Pinterest because everyone is there or I have to build a LinkedIn group since even my chiropractor has a group. Wait let’s do content marketing and build a blog or create marketing automation or retargeting to stay in everybody’s face.”

Sometimes you have to throw out all the lousy marketing that doesn’t spark joy and is just messy. Not every marketing tactic is necessary, and sometimes you need to clean house and get rid of the communications clutter. Like a well-organized closet or drawer, your marketing should be structured, organized and designed to delight you, your employees and your customers.

What Would Marie Do?

I do a lot of work on strategy with companies, and when I come into their organization, I’m in the role of helping to tidy things up. Clean out the mailing lists, refresh the collateral, toss out an old website and start with a blank slate.

When marketing is in the bloodstream of a brand, it aligns with the culture and essence of an organization. Like shirts folded making them easy to find, your marketing shouldn’t overwhelm your customers but make them happy to work with you. Tactics should be neat and tidy too – simple to understand and, on strategy.

Sparking joy is always the goal so that customers want to work with you because you can help them solve their problems and achieve their goals.

It isn’t easy to grab someone’s attention. If you can deliver something helpful that will spark joy, everything falls into place.

How tidy is your marketing? Is it sparking joy for your customers?

Does your marketing spark joy? You can set up a time to chat with me about your marketing challenges using my calendar. Email me jeffslater@themarketingsage.com  Call me. 919 720 0995.  The conversation is free, and we can explore if working together makes sense. Try my new chat feature on my site if you have a quick question.

Photo courtesy of Marie Kondo – all rights reserved