If you are beginning a new project or business, why not start with the end in mind?

Imagine it is several years into the future, and your project or business has succeeded. You are sitting with your feet up on your desk and daydreaming about all you accomplished.

What would it look like as you think back, and how would you measure success? Is money the sole metric or something else. What are the markers that help you to know that you arrived at the destination called success?

When you begin with the end in mind, you can think about how to build something to reach your goal. The ending is a counterintuitive starting point but helps you feel and experience your success. Being intentional mean, you understand what is essential to achieving your objective, and you have a yardstick you can use to measure the achievements.

When I start a project (or business), I like to think about the following questions.

  • How will my customers feel before and after they purchase from me? How has my worked affected their lives?
  • What is the culture I created for those who work in the business? What do they share about the workplace and do have they enjoyed the journey?
  • Have I done something essential and helpful to the community I set out to serve? What’s the evidence of making “a dent in the universe”?
  • Did I find an innovative way to deliver on my promise, and have I avoided cutting corners? Am I proud of my achievement because it didn’t involve bad decisions, shortcuts or hurting anyone along the journey?
  • Would I do this all over again without hesitation?
  • Do the people who invested in me (time, money, resources) trust me even more now that we are at this place?
  • Will I sleep well at night knowing I put my best into the work.

The End, But at The Beginning

If you take time at the beginning of something new to dream and think about the end, you can create something that can be both practical and magical. Can you elevate your work above the pedestrian into something you’ll always be proud of without doubting your effort or second-guessing your decisions?

The best way to know where you are heading is to start with the end in mind.

You can set up a time to chat with me about your marketing challenges using my calendar. Email me jeffslater@themarketingsage.com  Call me. 919 720 0995.  Visit my website at www.themarketingsage.com  The conversation is free, and we can explore working together.

Photo by Matt Botsford on Unsplash