I like to focus on strategic marketing challenges. But I also enjoy getting my hands dirty in marketing tactics. The following are three tactical tips that might pair well with your marketing efforts, help you get noticed and enhance how you connect with new prospects. I hope these ideas are fruitful.
The Unopens
When you send an email to your mailing list, if you resend it to your “unopens,” those who didn’t click on it the first time, you often increase your response rate by 10-20%. Last week, on a campaign, we had a 17% open rate on the first email, and when we resent it a day later to the “unopens,” we got 10% opening it on the second mailing. This added email effort gave us a 27% open rate. That meant that 482 extra people read our message and all it took was a few clicks in MailChimp. You want more people to read your email, why not send it again to those who missed it?
Under the Radar
When I send physical mailers or communications to prospects or clients, I love to find ways to get under their radar so that they get a little surprise. You probably get the same credit card mailers over and over again – and there isn’t a reason to even open it up. You know what’s inside.
What if you send something that looks like personal mail like a greeting card? Use a stamp, hand-lettered the card. Have the cards addressed by hand or with a handwriting font? Maybe you can send something physical that you put inside the card that is part of the story you want to convey?
I’m working on a project this month where we are sending small packs of seeds with our message on it to customers – because we want them to work with us so we can help them grow the business together. The seeds are fun, unexpected and get noticed.
Find playful ways to get under the radar.
Unexpected Promise or Guarantee
Many brands will refund unhappy customers or make promises but don’t communicate this to customers. Someone might be afraid that too many customers will take advantage of it. Put your promise front and center – scream it from the rooftops. Take away a reason for someone to say no. If you believe in your product, make them an offer they can’t refuse. What kind of wild and hairy guarantee can you make?
Companies like Orvis guarantee their products will last forever or you can return it and they’ll replace it for free even if you have used it for ten years. They call it their Great Catch Guarantee.
100% customer satisfaction has been our commitment since 1856. It’s who we are. If you aren’t happy with a product or service, we want to know about it. And we’ll make it right. That’s the ORVIS way.
Three tactical tips to improve your marketing results are to send to the unopens, get under the radar and make a promise or guarantee that reduces the barrier to buy from you.
What are some tips that have produced ripe results in your latest marketing campaigns?
You can set up a time to chat with me about your marketing challenges using my calendar. Email me jeffslater@themarketingsage.com Call me. 919 720 0995. The conversation is free, and we can explore if working together makes sense. Try my new chat feature on my site if you have a quick question.
Photo by Shumilov Ludmila on Unsplash