When I worked at Nomacorc, the wine cork company, we used Cisco’s WebEx product for teleconferences between the U.S., China, Europe, and South America. It was complicated, required downloads at times, and never was easy. It was always a source of frustration to set up a meeting, and I needed to start 15 minutes early to make sure everything worked. Cisco used to run seminars for an hour on how to use their product. I’m a slow learner, I had to take it twice. Webex was the opposite of simplicity.

Then came Zoom. Consequently, many of my client’s used it, and it is so easy and straightforward. Click a link. You are in the meeting. Go. No training. Just easy and intuitive design.

Simplicity is A Remarkable Way to Be Different

  • Simpler earns share. When you use a competitor’s product, can you find ways to eliminate and remove complexity? If so, your simpler, stripped-down version might be able to gain market share.
  • Consumers crave simpler. So do businesses. Most of my clients don’t realize how complicated their products and services have become. They are so close to them. They can’t easily explain why customers should buy their products. When you can say, we are easier to use, it is a powerful message.
  • Complicated Repels Revenue. When a business makes it difficult to use a product, my attention is somewhere else. I don’t have time for a lot of instructions. Don’t make me suffer from your bad design thinking. The set up for ROKU was designed for people who have only a basic knowledge of technology.

Simple Advice from The Marketing Sage

  • Find the complexity in your product and service and kill it. This isn’t dumbing it down – it is thoughtful design thinking.
  • How can you make your product work at the push of a button?  Who craves complexity? Assume you are building it for someone who has extremely limited knowledge.
  • Easy, fast, and uncomplicated always wins. Thus, my first, filter when faced with two choices -which is easier?

Simple enough?

Need help making things simpler?

I can help. You can set up a time to chat with me about your marketing challenges using my calendar. Our initial conversation is free. You talk, I listen. Email me jeffslater@themarketingsage.com or call me. 919 720 0995. Visit my website at www.themarketingsage.com  Let’s explore working together today.


Photo by Christina @ wocintechchat.com on Unsplash



PS – This isn’t an advertorial for Zoom. No one paid me. I just love the simplicity of their design and how easily it works.