I first learned about Bernadette Jiwa’s work from Seth Godin. He referenced her TedX Perth speech in a blog post a few years ago when she spoke about The Secret to Spreading Ideas.  I have been captivated by her writing and ideas since that first encounter. Bernadette’s new book, Meaningful, The Story of Ideas that Fly continues the themes and insights about marketing.

The book provides a helpful frame of reference for understanding how and where marketing fits into a brand’s journey and the customer’s needs. When we start with an empathic and compassionate view of those we want to serve, the product path becomes clearer.


Marketing is not something we do to a product or service.  Marketing starts by having a deep understanding of a customer’s story and then trying to find how you can help support them in their quest for a solution.

Waiting endlessly for a cab to show up was a common problem. But it took Uber to recognize that if they could tell you where the car was and when it would arrive, it might help you manage the uncertainty.

“Every business that flies starts not with the best idea, the biggest budget or better marketing, but with the story of someone who want to do something, and can’t. We don’t change the world by starting with our brilliant ideas, our dreams: we change the world by helping others live their dreams.”

Meaningful has many examples of businesses that started by understanding a problem before they created a product or service. You can learn about Shoes of Prey, Appbot, Black Milk Clothing, Canva, Flow Hive, Go Pro, Little Flowers, Khan Academy, Harry’s and Nike Flyease. Each story captures the essence of the idea that it isn’t what you do that matters, but how it makes customer’s feel. When you begin with your customer’s story, your chances of success expand exponentially.

Through Bernadette’s Story Strategy Blueprint, she maps out examples of how problems and their stories are at the origins of successful businesses. You can download a free copy of the blueprint on her book’s website.

The best marketing advice books help you understand how you can learn from the success and failure of others. They shed light on the simple truths of why we buy and how we are motivated. If you are struggling to market your product or service, perhaps you don’t fully understand your customer’s story and the problems and needs that she faces. When you do understand what motivates someone to purchase, then your product will fly.

Read Bernadette’s book. It’s filled with meaningful wisdom.




Could you use a coach who could help you find a meaningful path to marketing success? Connect with me and let’s discuss how I can guide on your journey.