I’m thrilled to announce that I am NOT starting a podcast.

That’s right. I’m not starting a podcast and I’m excited to share this news with you.


I know most announcements are about things you are doing – but I believe deeply in staying focused, which means not following every bright shiny object that flits in front of my face. Last week I saw eleven people announce via Twitter about their new podcast. I wish them well and hope each of them finds an audience.

Don’t misunderstand me.

I love podcasts.

Last week, I spent more time listening to podcasts than watching tv, reading, or Zooming in on meetings. The chance to learn new ideas and spark my curiosity is enhanced by listening to smart people talking about things of interest from marketing to cooking to politics to meditation.

A few of my new favorites podcasts are from my friend Anne Robie who I used to work with at Nomacorc. She and her friend Sherrie started a new podcast last month called Flowing East and West – the perfectly imperfect journey. Their podcast is about the twists and turns of life’s journey – and how to adapt, adjust and accept how things flow. It is a thing of beauty and worth the time to listen.

And I love listening to That Will Never Work by Marc Randolph, one of the founders at Netflix. His podcast is like a strategy session for a startup. Ironically, his idea was one that I had been thinking about for a year or so – a podcast that allows you to listen to the advice being given to a start-up.

Or check out my brother Mitch’s podcast Financially Speaking on Spotify. He gets amazing guests like Guy Raz from How I Built This, the lead singer from The Goo Goo Dolls, Bruce Springsteen’s sister Pam and Danica McKellar who played Winnie Cooper on “The Wonder Years” just to name a few. Oh, and he got to interview his former boss Larry King at his home about a year ago.

My Plate Is Full

I don’t need to add more work and stuff to my day. I’m busy consulting with clients, writing for my blog, and reading cookbooks to figure out what to make for dinner.

I spent a lot of time writing – blogs, articles, and materials for clients. Writing has become wildly satisfying, and for about eleven years, I have been on a mission to keep improving my skills. I was inspired to become a better writer by my beloved Aunt Annette, who could make magic with words like no one I ever knew.

Today’s post is the 1,365th blog that I have written over the last eleven years about marketing, life, and happiness.

Why Is Saying No Hard?

We all have tough decisions to make each day – where to spend our time and be productive while enjoying our work. I found that I can’t squeeze another activity like podcasting without compromising my core focus to work on my writing skills.

I have about a dozen ideas for a podcast, but every time I start to get drawn in – I ask myself what I’ll have to give up if I add podcasting to my list. Between scheduling guests and finding the time to prepare, each podcast would be a significant commitment of my time. Knowing what’s most important to me means I am clear about where I want to invest my moments each day.

And here is a little secret. I like to have free time to think – to wonder and to walk. I’m not willing to give up my unstructured, unscheduled thinking time – to daydream, to explore, or to just sit quietly with a cup of tea.

If I’m so overscheduled, I don’t enjoy the work I’m doing. I don’t want my days to be so packed that I can’t have some leisurely time to be – not to do.

We Are Human Beings, Not Human Doings.

So, this announcement probably won’t disappoint anyone. I just thought I shouldn’t throw my hat into the podcast ring like everyone else. Instead, I’ll explore ideas with words and leaving the audio realm to others.  

Stay tuned for more announcements of additional things I won’t be doing in the coming year.

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I can help.

You can set up a time to chat with me about your marketing challenges using my calendar. Email me jeffslater@themarketingsage.com Call me. 919 720 0995. The conversation is free, and we can explore if working together makes sense. Watch a short video about working with me.

Photo by Patrick Fore on Unsplash