by Jeff Slater | Jul 2, 2023 | Branding Issues, Marketing Advice
Ignoring the Obvious for the Odd & Quirky. Hear that sucking sound? That’s everyone within a category rushing toward the middle. To be one of many that follow the rules. Brands often act like the cast of Clueless trying to be individual and different in the...
by Jeff Slater | Jun 25, 2023 | Marketing Advice, Personal Stories
Nurturing Your Network – Becoming a Helpful Farmer that Plants Seeds for Tomorrow Are you comfortable asking a favor of someone you worked with 27 years ago? How about someone you knew at a summer camp in 1968? What about asking a friend of a friend that you met once...
by Jeff Slater | Jun 19, 2023 | Marketing Advice
10 Communications Lessons from A Marketing Consultant Because Most Business Owners Don’t Speak Marketing. As a marketing consultant, I often wonder, am I being understood? Do my clients truly comprehend my recommendations? What’s the best way to convey my...
by Jeff Slater | Jun 11, 2023 | Marketing Advice, Personal Stories
What Advice Would I Give My 19-Year-Old-Self About My Career? One of my favorite questions to ask friends and family is, what advice would you give your 19-year-old self about your career? At 19, I studied art history and communications at The University of...
by Jeff Slater | Jun 4, 2023 | Branding Issues, Marketing Advice
Disrupting with Purpose: What Could You Do That Your Competitors Wouldn’t Try? “Disruption is not about doing something new, but about doing something old in a new way.” – Clayton Christensen, business theorist Most marketers I know look...