I’m sorry to break the news to you but average is over.
Average products and services are slipping into oblivion. You probably didn’t notice because no one talks about dullness.
An average business has no chance to sustain itself if they are so unremarkable, that customers never share Averageness is toxic. Within these types of business, they breed a culture of, whatever, ho-hum and who cares.
The simple answer to this condition is to create products or services that are remarkable, extraordinary and to do or make something people want to share with others.
If customers don’t want to tell their friends about you, maybe you need to stop being like white bread; bland without nutritional or marketing value.
Stay Away from Average
If you are responsible for marketing products or services, and you are following the herd doing what everyone else does, you are on a path toward failure. A race to the middle is truly a race to the bottom.
Think about it; when was the last time you recommended an average restaurant to a friend? Would you share your experiences with neighbors about an electrician who at best is just okay? Do you post on Instagram about a pair of average, generic brown shoes?
As a marketer, I’d prefer if you don’t like my product, brand or service then if you think it is average. Please, don’t call what I make or sell average. Products need personalities, life and the ability to provide something competitors can’t give you.
Who wants to be seen as mediocre, moderate, ordinary, regular, boilerplate or common? Dull blends into the wallpaper and slowly disappears.
A Place at The Table is a remarkable business in downtown Raleigh on 300 W. Hargett Street. Maggie, the founder wanted to rethink the soup kitchen so she reimagined how a coffee shop could be a place for everyone who can afford to pay and those who can’t. I bet I have mentioned this brand to dozens of friends in the last few months and my blog about them was read by thousands. Had this been another coffee shop, I doubt I’d have mentioned it to anyone.
What makes your brand rare, unusual and exceptional?
Don’t be afraid of quirky, distinctive and human. People like brands that are human and are one of a kind and who shy away from the middle. Have some fun and bring some life to whatever you are marketing. Being remarkable is the antidote to boring marketing.
Average is over.
Photo by Roman Kraft on Unsplash
Is your marketing average? Do you feel your brand is rushing toward the middle of the pack? You can set up a time to chat with me about your marketing challenges using my calendar. Email me jeffslater@themarketingsage.com Call me. 919 720 0995. The conversation is free, and we can explore if working together makes sense. Try my new chat feature on my site if you have a quick question.