Mark Schaefer has written an important book called The Content Code.
His work is rich with practical ideas you can use to grow your brand and to light a spark under the stories that your brand needs to tell. At his core, Mark is a consummate educator who teaches, speaks and advises companies to help them grow their brands. His widely read blog, {grow}, has helped thousands of marketers learn from Mark and each other within the {grow} marketing community.
As content marketing becomes the cornerstone for most brands to tell their stories, igniting and distributing that content has become even more critical. Mark book can help you unlocked the code. Mark coined the phrase, content shock, to describe the flood of information that fills the Internet each day. We all have limited time so more content means that some ideas will rise to the top as other content will rarely be seen.
In going beyond describing a problem, Mark’s new book, The Content Code offer practical solutions to deal with this common problem that marketers experience in both B2B and B2C efforts.
Sparking Ignition
Imagine automobiles without fuel. Imagine fuel without a spark. Before this book was published, a lot of content marketing was just sitting in the garage, waiting for visitors. Mark’s ideas will help you get your motor running and get your content out in front of the audience you want to reach.
The Content Code provides ideas and insights to help marketers energize their stories and to disseminate their message. Although an experienced marketer, I read Mark’s book as I was creating a new blog and website for myself. One chapter entitled, 22 Practical Ways To Achieve Content Ignition, provided me with many ideas and tangible actions to help me provide some important tools to help support sharing of my own ideas. (see those buttons on the left side of my blog, how about sharing this post to your Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook or Email friends?)
One phrase to remember from this book is BADASS. I know Mark as he was a guest speaker at a wine industry conference that I helped create called The Exchange. He is a very soft-spoken and easy going guy, hardly a BADASS.
The Content Code emphasizes that it all begins with epic content. You aren’t going to ignite ideas and information if they are derivative and unoriginal. But once you create a wonderful blog, video or infographic, what is next? How can you get it shared?
Mark writes that the key to unlock and ignite that content is what he calls B.A.D.A.S.S.
Brand Development,
Audience and Influencers
Distribution, Advertising, Promotion and SEO
Shareability embedded into each piece of content
Social proof and social signals
If you are looking for a path to take your brand’s content marketing to the next level, you’ll find fuel and sparks to help ignite your efforts. I highly recommend The Content Code by Mark W. Schaefer.
Remember, you don’t need to be Alan Turing to crack this code. Just buy a copy.
Full disclosure, I did receive a free, advanced copy of this book. But I bought several copies of this book for my marketing team so that I can share the wisdom.
Have you read Mark’s book? I’d love to hear your comments on his work.
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