Meat Strategy

Meat Strategy

In a world focused on plant-based meat alternatives, Arby’s is planting a flag in the ground to promote meat. This is their meat strategy. In this age of Beyond Meat and the Impossible Burger, Arby’s is celebrating that their chain is not following the herd but will...
The Hook

The Hook

I’m beginning some work with a new food client in a super cluttered and mature category. Without sharing any specifics, think of trying to grow a new brand of cereal or yogurt in those busy categories. My conversations have focused on helping them find a hook. I think...
Brand Archetypes

Brand Archetypes

This past week I participated in a client workshop where, along with a partner communications agency, McGuffin, we held a brand archetype exercise. The purpose was to help the client rebrand as they start to think about the image they want to project as we redesign...
Marketing Echo Chambers

Marketing Echo Chambers

If your marketing uses the language of people in your industry, you may not be communicating benefits but features. Marketing echo chambers tend to exist where every product and service is similar to the competition, and the messages are like inside industry jokes....