by Jeff Slater | Jan 11, 2017 | Branding Issues, Marketing Advice
After several years of product development, a start-up in the sofa industry determined that it was time to market their product. They knew who they wanted to reach and what they wanted to say. They were finally ready for prime time. But they waited to get every part...
by Jeff Slater | Dec 23, 2016 | Branding Issues, Marketing Advice
After spending several hours at a charity walk on a cold fall afternoon, an email pops up on my phone thanking me for spending my time helping with this cause. Instead of it being a long and dull boilerplate-type email, it is a photograph of a young person who has...
by Jeff Slater | Dec 16, 2016 | Branding Issues, Marketing Advice, Personal Stories
The world has wild and crazy ideas waiting to be borrowed or gently stolen. Some businesses get started based on an absurd idea. They can be so off-the-wall that everyone laughs at them until you start making money, get coverage in major news outlets and become the...
by Jeff Slater | Dec 9, 2016 | Branding Issues, Foodpreneurs, Marketing Advice
There are some absolute truths about marketing that many entrepreneurs, managers and business owners either don’t know, never learn or ignore. Whether you market marbles, matches or mobile phones, these five lessons apply. You can’t be for everyone. Stop trying to...
by Jeff Slater | Nov 25, 2016 | Branding Issues, Marketing Advice, Personal Stories
Companies often have wordy vision and mission statements hanging on the wall to help those who have trouble sleeping at night. Boring blah, blah blah. I have never been a fan of anything longer than a few words or a phrase to encapsulate a business’ WHY. What I do...
by Jeff Slater | Nov 21, 2016 | Branding Issues, Marketing Advice
Brands must live in two worlds. They must manage in the marketplace they live in today while also preparing for the future. You can’t pick one – you need both. Disruption is the act of breaking things apart, and disruptive market forces are challenging every business....