by Jeff Slater | Nov 16, 2016 | Branding Issues, Marketing Advice, Personal Stories
A small unexpected box appeared at Samuel’s mailbox at work. Unlike the 321 emails that came into his inbox, he grabbed it and spent a few minutes opening it and looking inside. He held the sample in his hand and read the short, 3-point post-it-note that explains the...
by Jeff Slater | Nov 14, 2016 | Branding Issues, Marketing Advice
The election is over, and it is time to assess what the hell just happened. I will keep my strong political analysis for another platform, but I do want to share my assessment of the campaign from a marketer’s vantage point. I’m sure some of my bias will enter...
by Jeff Slater | Oct 26, 2016 | Branding Issues, Interesting Brands, Marketing Advice, Marketing Start Ups
How can you get fans of your brand (or company or country) to promote all the benefits of what you have to offer? How about a phone number? The Swedish tourist bureau decided to get a phone number for the country. When you call it, you are put through to a random...
by Jeff Slater | Oct 21, 2016 | Branding Issues, Interesting Brands, Marketing Advice, Marketing Start Ups
A friend introduced me to Organic Transit, a company based in Durham, North Carolina. They make a solar powered bicycle that has a closure surrounding it making it look like a mini-car. You pedal this device like a bicycle but the solar panel charges a battery and it...
by Jeff Slater | Oct 12, 2016 | Branding Issues, Marketing Advice
Over time, brands need refreshing. Without some types of updates to the image, you can be stuck in the past with an outdated position that feels static. A simple change like Kentucky Fried Chicken to KFC can make a big difference in how a brand is perceived,...
by Jeff Slater | Oct 5, 2016 | Branding Issues, Interesting Brands
Is it time to shake and start over how business is organized with a clean slate? Companies need to focus on their mission. They also need to rethink how they are organized to achieve their goals. A reorganization allows you to refresh how to better serve customers. ...