by Jeff Slater | Nov 10, 2019 | Branding Issues, Interesting Brands
When your business goes through a rebrand, you need to pay attention to two audiences; associates who work for you and all external clients, partners, and stakeholders. Your goals in your communication should be similar and should answer these basic questions: Why are...
by Jeff Slater | Oct 3, 2019 | Advertising, Branding Issues, Interesting Brands, Marketing Advice
One of my clients wanted to explain to prospects about one of the services they offer. It was technical, scientific, and quite complex. Every time they explained to me what they did, it went over my head and was difficult to follow. My client offers an alternative to...
by Jeff Slater | Sep 8, 2019 | Interesting Brands, Marketing Advice, Marketing People, Marketing Start Ups
The interview by Guy Raz on NPR’s How I Built This with the founders of LIFE IS GOOD®, was a powerful lesson in how vital it is for emotional connections through taglines and brand names. The stronger the emotional connection, the higher the chance for success. In the...
by Jeff Slater | Aug 22, 2019 | Branding Issues, Interesting Brands, Marketing Advice
I had the privilege this past week of leading a non-profit team through a naming exercise workshop. The organization had a well-thought-out business plan and needed to find a name for a physical location they will open next year. So, the Executive Director asked me to...
by Jeff Slater | Jul 14, 2019 | Branding Issues, Interesting Brands
This past week I participated in a client workshop where, along with a partner communications agency, McGuffin, we held a brand archetype exercise. The purpose was to help the client rebrand as they start to think about the image they want to project as we redesign...
by Jeff Slater | Jun 18, 2019 | Interesting Brands, Marketing Advice, Marketing Start Ups
TemperPack is a $25 million-dollar company with more than 300 employees based in Richmond, Virginia. The founders, Brian Powers, Charles Vincent, and James McGoff, saw a pain point that they thought they might be able to heal. They wondered if they could kill...