by Jeff Slater | Oct 10, 2016 | Interesting Brands, Marketing Start Ups
Many great movements in history started very small. Often with a handful of people. Some movements remained tiny; some grew, and some traveled the world. But what they all have in common, is that the movement once fit around a kitchen table. Building a movement behind...
by Jeff Slater | Oct 7, 2016 | Foodpreneurs, Interesting Brands, Marketing Start Ups
Why dilute expensive whiskey with ice when you can chill it with a cube of frozen soapstone? When a group of entrepreneurs suffered from having their expensive whiskey diluted with ice cubes, they knew they had to fix a problem. They took a commodity and made it into...
by Jeff Slater | Oct 5, 2016 | Branding Issues, Interesting Brands
Is it time to shake and start over how business is organized with a clean slate? Companies need to focus on their mission. They also need to rethink how they are organized to achieve their goals. A reorganization allows you to refresh how to better serve customers. ...
by Jeff Slater | Oct 3, 2016 | Interesting Brands, Marketing People
James runs a bike shop in a small mid-western town. It is a small business that he started from scratch because he loves all things about bikes. Since he didn’t have any knowledge of business, he thought he’d create a shop that he would want to come to if he were a...
by Jeff Slater | Sep 26, 2016 | Foodpreneurs, Interesting Brands, Marketing Advice, Marketing Start Ups
Among shelves filled with fancy water with the essence of lavender, vitamins or from deep below the ground in Bora Bora, is a water named Fred. Fred. Instead of gorgeous graphics or elegant bottle shape is a flat, flask-like product that is disruptive by being –...
by Jeff Slater | Sep 21, 2016 | Branding Issues, Foodpreneurs, Interesting Brands, Marketing Advice
Sheila wants to cook more homemade meals for her family but like many, is time constrained. Her hectic life is a constant merry-go-round. She has titles like full-time mom, wife, daughter, daughter-in-law, and sales manager. Her days are filled with to-do lists that...