by Jeff Slater | Apr 13, 2021 | Foodpreneurs, Interesting Brands
I never heard of MrBeast. How about you? I learned about him listening to one of my favorite podcasts – After Hours with Youngme Moon and her colleagues who teach at Harvard. Youngme wrote one of my favorite marketing books, Different. MrBeast has created a...
by Jeff Slater | Mar 30, 2021 | Branding Issues, Interesting Brands, Marketing Advice
A brand’s promise is a declaration of assurance. Brands must make steadfast promises to build their community, tell their story, and differentiate themselves from the competition. When I’m asked to explain what a brand is, I use the word promise to help...
by Jeff Slater | Mar 23, 2021 | Interesting Brands, Marketing Advice
The Power of Polarity Thinking How To Create Great Marketing Animated Videos One of the ways I market my consulting business, The Marketing Sage is by using short, animated video. To create these easy-to-assemble animated videos to market your product or service, you...
by Jeff Slater | Mar 2, 2021 | Branding Issues, Interesting Brands
My marketing consulting business, The Marketing Sage, is not McKinsey & Company. I don’t expect anyone who hires me to be confused. But I use this comparison as part of a differentiation dance because I want to clarify who we aren’t. The Marketing Sage...
by Jeff Slater | Jan 14, 2021 | Interesting Brands, Marketing Start Ups
Lauren Siclare is the mother of two young children and one new business – Bucklebath. She realized how dirty and unsanitary her kid’s car seats and stroller were and that if she wanted them clean, she had to do it herself. There wasn’t an Uber-like service who, at the...
by Jeff Slater | Jan 7, 2021 | Interesting Brands
If I have learned anything about marketing since 1975, it is that if you want to suck at marketing, be boring. Boring marketing content is like giving your customer Ambien and expecting them to pay attention. Zzzzz. How can you avoid this fate? The company whose...