Habits Versus Loyalty

Habits Versus Loyalty

A recent article in Harvard Business Review challenged some of my thinking about consumers’ connections with brands.   Are consumers loyal to your brand or have they just formed deep habits? Habits versus loyalty – what makes a customer come back? Is customer loyalty...
Super Consumers

Super Consumers

Susan buys five times more low-fat Greek yogurt than a typical consumer but she doesn’t have a particularly large family. She has found seven or eight ways to use the yogurt in recipes, blended drinks, salad dressings and much more. Susan is a super consumer....
Why Hire A Milkshake?

Why Hire A Milkshake?

Harvard professor Clay Christensen has a great new book called Competing Against Luck. He tells a thought-provoking story about McDonalds and milkshakes to demonstrate the point that consumers hire a milkshake to do a job.  Jobs To Be Done McDonald’s has...