Filtering for Better Customers

Filtering for Better Customers

To help you find the right clients, it helps to communicate who is and isn’t a good fit for your business. Most websites aren’t this frank telling people to go away. But recently I have observed some marketing efforts that identify who is a good fit, and who isn’t....
Do You Use a Red Napkin?

Do You Use a Red Napkin?

How do you signal within your organization that you have a new customer, and everyone should be especially alerted? Jon Taffer suggests using a red napkin. You may know Jon Taffer from his TV shows Bar Rescue. I know Jonny Taffer as my bunkmate at Camp Winadu when I...
Hidden Assets

Hidden Assets

Do you have some hidden assets that could be used to help you market your business? Often, when engaged with clients, I’ll notice an underutilized asset that could help deliver a compelling message or support brand positioning. In the world of the consumer-packaged...