by Jeff Slater | Jun 7, 2017 | Marketing Advice, Marketing Start Ups
A former colleague asked me if we could have lunch so he could pick my brain about marketing his new business. Since I got to eat at Boondini’s, my favorite Raleigh sandwich joint, how could I resist? (Get the half chicken salad sandwich on toasted sunflower seed...
by Jeff Slater | Jun 2, 2017 | Branding Issues, Marketing Advice, Marketing Start Ups
I don’t like stupid websites mistakes that make my life difficult. If I arrive at a site after a search, I’ll bounce in an instant if I can’t find what I am looking for in a flash. Imagine asking a simple question and getting an encyclopedia of details. A website...
by Jeff Slater | May 31, 2017 | Marketing Advice, Marketing Start Ups
There are so many reasons why starting a business is difficult for everyone. Lack of capital Lack of imagination Lack of persistence Lack of focus Lack of a good idea Lack of discipline Lack of luck This list could go on forever. But in my experience, the hardest part...
by Jeff Slater | May 26, 2017 | Marketing Advice, Marketing Start Ups
This is the story of Go Go Grandparent —When Justin Boogaard was living with his grandmother, she noticed how easily he could call for an Uber when he needed to go somewhere. He tried to show her how to use an app on an iPhone but she just couldn’t understand...
by Jeff Slater | May 17, 2017 | Marketing Advice, Marketing Start Ups
I feel like a broken record. I’m always advising start-ups not to worry about scale. I remind new entrepreneurs that scale isn’t a BIG issue in the beginning of a new venture. The secret is to find just ten people who will love your product and want to buy it...
by Jeff Slater | Apr 3, 2017 | Marketing Advice, Marketing People, Marketing Start Ups, Personal Stories
I meet a lot of entrepreneurs who are confused. Some are running lifestyle businesses that would stop without them. They tend to be undercapitalized, and the company runs them. I like to ask them if they are trying to run a lifestyle versus growth business? Others are...