Can I Have Your Attention?

Can I Have Your Attention?

When you spend money on marketing activities, your goal is to gain someone’s attention. You want to share information about a new product or service. Whatever the tactic, you are communicating about the problem that you can solve. But how can you stand out from the...
Communications and Intention

Communications and Intention

As a graduate student in 1976 at Annenberg’s School of Communication at The University of Pennsylvania, I immersed myself in daily intellectual challenges. Surrounded by ridiculously smart people with undergraduate degrees in anthropology, sociology, linguistics,...
Gratitude and Grace

Gratitude and Grace

Our oldest daughter Sarah got married this weekend in Hawaii where she has lived since 2006. It has been a fantastic week of ceremony, celebration and celestial happiness. I’m taking a few days off from writing my marketing blog so that I can be present and in the...