All things MARKeting

All things MARKeting

This past week, I got to host Nomacorc’s 5th Wine Marketing Exchange event. We developed this series, held twice per year in California to bring interesting marketing speakers, insights and ideas to the wine marketing community. Our theme this time was “Storytelling:...
Remembering Jack

Remembering Jack

Today January 29th was my father’s birthday. He would be 92 years old had he lived. He made his transition almost ten years ago.  As I remember him in my heart, I want to share the eulogy that I wrote and was graciously spoken for me by Rabbi Goldstein from...
The Other September 11th

The Other September 11th

On September 11th, 1977 Ra El and I got married. I always thought of it as our day. September 11th – a day of union and love and profound joy. On September 11th, 2001 the day took on new meaning to most of the world. That day was filled with shock and sadness in ways...