Caught by Annette

Caught by Annette

A personal remembrance of my beloved Aunt Annette, my creative muse. She has been gone for almost fourteen years, but I still think about her every day. As a child, I always had a net to catch me when I had a challenge. This safety net was my beloved Aunt Annette, my...
An Unexpected Podcast Announcement

An Unexpected Podcast Announcement

I’m thrilled to announce that I am NOT starting a podcast. That’s right. I’m not starting a podcast and I’m excited to share this news with you. Disappointed? I know most announcements are about things you are doing – but I believe deeply in staying...
A Simple Personal Tagline For 2021

A Simple Personal Tagline For 2021

Since I’m a bit of a minimalist, I only have one goal in 2021. I want to live in the present moment. My plan is to let go of the past and learn to stop worrying about the future. Simply put – Be. Here. Now. 2021 Personal Tagline In marketing, we use a...
Lions and Tigers and Lawnmowers, oh my.

Lions and Tigers and Lawnmowers, oh my.

I don’t often write about lawnmowers. My blog posts get read by many marketing and business people – and on some days, if I’m lucky, by my 93-year-old mom Queen Bea. I write to satisfy my curiosity and share something I observe. I’m delighted when...