by Jeff Slater | Mar 18, 2021 | Personal Stories
A personal remembrance of my beloved Aunt Annette, my creative muse. She has been gone for almost fourteen years, but I still think about her every day. As a child, I always had a net to catch me when I had a challenge. This safety net was my beloved Aunt Annette, my...
by Jeff Slater | Mar 7, 2021 | Personal Stories
I’m thrilled to announce that I am NOT starting a podcast. That’s right. I’m not starting a podcast and I’m excited to share this news with you. Disappointed? I know most announcements are about things you are doing – but I believe deeply in staying...
by Jeff Slater | Feb 9, 2021 | Personal Stories
This is a guest post from my brother Mitch Slater, who worked for Larry King. Larry passed away recently and this is Mitch’s remembrance along with two marketing lessons he learned from The King. Elvis may have been the King of Rock and Roll, but there was only...
by Jeff Slater | Jan 31, 2021 | Marketing Advice, Personal Stories
A nitpicker refers to picking nits, the eggs of lice, out of hair, and later picking out the lice themselves. A nitpicker is also how many people describe a micro-manager. No one wants to work for a micro-manager. Well, except the few people who enjoy painful work...
by Jeff Slater | Dec 31, 2020 | Personal Stories
Since I’m a bit of a minimalist, I only have one goal in 2021. I want to live in the present moment. My plan is to let go of the past and learn to stop worrying about the future. Simply put – Be. Here. Now. 2021 Personal Tagline In marketing, we use a...
by Jeff Slater | Dec 24, 2020 | Personal Stories
I don’t often write about lawnmowers. My blog posts get read by many marketing and business people – and on some days, if I’m lucky, by my 93-year-old mom Queen Bea. I write to satisfy my curiosity and share something I observe. I’m delighted when...