A commodity brand is interchangeable and no one wants to remark about it. It has no reason for people to share the story of what you offer. If you went away, no one would miss you or your work. Commodity brands swim in an ocean of sameness? Have you asked yourself why isn’t anyone talking about you or recommending you to others? We all want to be special but average is average for a reason. It is where most brands live. Are you running a commodity or a distinctive brand?
Commodity or A Distinctive
A commodity business runs ads to attract attention. A distinctive brand gets referrals.
A commodity business looks at its competitors and follows what they do. A distinctive brand charts its own course going on a distinctive path.
A commodity business does everything alone without asking for help. A distinctive brand asks experts to assist because no one understands everything about finance, operations, sales and marketing.
A commodity business follows the way everyone in the category operates. A distinctive brand tests, experiments and tries new and creative approaches to their activity.
A commodity brand lives in the box. A distinctive brand ignores the box and finds fresh ways to see an opportunity.
A commodity brand talks about the features of their product or service. A distinctive brand understands that a consumer cares about the benefit to them.
A commodity brand thinks the world is obsessed with their product or service. A distinctive brand realizes that gaining attention and share of mind, is an enormous challenge often requiring an external boast.
A commodity brand has no pricing power because the business isn’t any different from their competitors. Commodity socks are 8 for $3.00. A distinctive brand charges for value. Thorlos socks are $13.99 each. “We don’t make socks. We protect your feet.”
The Choice is Yours
Brands can keep operating doing the same things over and over again. Or they can find guides to help them tackle problems and to allow them to focus on what they do best.
Average. Average. Average. Average. Average. Average. Average. Remarkable.
“If you want people to remark about your brand, be remarkable.” Seth Godin
If you brand is average, I can help you be distinctive. It is easy to set up a quick call.