Many people go to a gym to exercise their muscles. They lift weights, use resistance equipment, and challenge their bodies to strengthen their core. But what do people do to exercise their creative muscles?

I asked several people that I know to find out how they keep their creativity strong and powerful. The people I asked to work in a range of businesses and not just in marketing. Some work in science, finance, and psychology.

Creative Exercises

“I find that the best way for me to exercise my creativity is to read something from an area I know nothing about. It allows me to see the challenges and problems in a new light.” Ph.D. in Chemical Sciences

“When I want to exercise my creativity, I do something different like write longhand instead of using my computer. Somehow, I think differently when I write versus type. It works to help me think about a problem from a new point of view.” Director of Content Marketing

“I like to daydream at work. I closed my door and schedule an hour not to do a task but to get lost in looking out the window. My boss probably wouldn’t understand why this helps me but after a while, I can concentrate better, and my ideas seem to flow effortlessly. I guess I’m relaxing my creative muscle so that I can flex it again.” Accounting Manager

“Since I work in a very creative field in marketing, I will often wander through a museum or department store to see what jumps out at me. Sometimes I’m not in search of a specific idea or solution, but I feel as if I can learn from what others are doing to solve a problem. Often, I feel as if by looking at products on a shelf, it helps me think about the creative challenges I have at work with my clients.” Executive Director of Creative Services

“For many years, I found meditation and silence to be a powerful way to exercise my creative muscle. Through quiet and silence, I find the strangest things will emerge that help me see things in a new light. Instead of working my creative muscle, I am relaxing it so that it can do its job.” Psychologist and Counselor

The Creative Muscle

Being creative at work takes lots of different forms. How you can see a problem anew can make the difference between a breakthrough idea versus doing something ordinary and obvious.

How do you exercise your creative muscle?

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Photo by Robert Collins on Unsplash