Getting Happiness Right: Wisdom from Stephanie Harrison and The New Happy

Stephanie Harrison, founder of The New Happy and author of The New Happy: Getting Happiness Right in a World That Got It Wrong, has become a voice of hope in our quest for genuine happiness. Through her book and insightful Instagram posts, she offers a fresh approach to happiness, emphasizing that it’s not just about individual pleasure but about contributing to a more connected, joyful world.

I love her Instagram posts of simple, digestible graphs that are little visual reminders of what matters, what is essential, and how to imagine emotional well-being. Her visualizations are like a shot of joyful morning espresso.

 The Concept of “New Happy”

At the core of Harrison’s philosophy is the idea that traditional ideas of happiness—chasing success, wealth, and external achievements—are misguided. These pursuits often leave people feeling more isolated and unfulfilled. In contrast, the New Happy cultivates deeper, more meaningful connections with ourselves and others.

It involves aligning with our gifts and values, contributing positively to the world, and recognizing that true happiness comes from living a life of purpose and service.

 Critical Themes in The New Happy: Three Types of Gifts

 1. Humanity Gifts

Humanity’s gifts are qualities that reside in each of us—our inherent capacity for love, kindness, compassion, and empathy. Harrison believes that these gifts are the cornerstone of collective happiness. When we tap into these, we can build communities that nurture and support each other. She encourages readers to practice acts of kindness, foster deep relationships, and contribute to the well-being of others as the foundation of a fulfilling life.

 “Happiness is a shared experience, not an individual one. It’s in helping others that we find true joy.”


2. Wisdom Gifts

Wisdom gifts are the lessons life teaches us, often through difficult experiences. Harrison emphasizes that wisdom isn’t about knowing it all—it’s about growing through challenges, learning from mistakes, and sharing those insights with others.

This openness to vulnerability and learning allows us to live with more clarity, resilience, and intention.

 “Growth doesn’t come from avoiding discomfort but embracing it. Each struggle teaches us something valuable about ourselves and our place in the world.”


3. Talent Gifts

Talent gifts are the unique abilities we each possess, which, when used purposefully, contribute to personal fulfillment and collective joy. Whether it’s creativity, analytical thinking, leadership, or caregiving, Harrison believes that embracing and honing our talents—and using them to benefit others—is a path to happiness. She urges people to focus on discovering what brings them joy and purpose, not just what’s expected of them.

“Your gifts are meant to be shared with the world. When you use your talents to serve something bigger than yourself, you unlock a profound sense of happiness.”


Practical Advice for Happiness

Through her book and Instagram posts, Harrison offers simple yet powerful advice on how to shift from the old happiness paradigm to the new one. Here are some of her most practical suggestions:

 1. Shift from Self-Centered to Other-Centered

Rather than focusing on what makes you happy, ask how you can bring joy and meaning to the lives of others. Research shows that acts of service, no matter how small, boost overall well-being.

 2. Practice Gratitude Daily

Gratitude is one of the most potent tools for happiness. Harrison encourages cultivating a daily gratitude practice, focusing not only on the big things but also on small, everyday moments of joy and connection.

 3. Embrace Imperfection

Perfectionism often leads to stress and dissatisfaction. Harrison reminds us that happiness doesn’t come from being perfect but from being confirmed. Allow yourself to be imperfect, make mistakes, and learn from them. It’s all part of the journey.

 4. Nurture Your Relationships

Firm, supportive relationships are critical to happiness. Invest time in nurturing your friendships, family, and communities. This makes others feel valued and creates a network of support that helps you navigate life’s ups and downs.

 5. Find Your “Why”

Harrison believes understanding your purpose—your “why”—is critical to unlocking lasting happiness. This requires introspection and reflection to determine what truly lights you up and how you can use your talents to contribute to the greater good.

 A Final Word on The New Happy

In The New Happy, Stephanie Harrison redefines happiness as more profound and more meaningful than the fleeting satisfaction of personal success. Her philosophy urges us to turn outward, focusing on how to use our gifts to improve the world. By embracing our humanity, learning from our experiences, and sharing our talents with others, we cultivate our own happiness and help create a more joyful and connected world.

Harrison’s work is an inspiring guide for those seeking a more fulfilling, authentic, and compassionate approach to happiness. In a world that often emphasizes the wrong things, she reminds us that the most important gift we can give ourselves—and others—is the pursuit of The New Happy.

Listen to Stephanie speak about The New Happy here on an insightful podcast about her work or her website here.

We could all use a dose of new happy.

All photos and images courtesy of The New Happy. Thank you for allowing me to share them with my readers. All rights reserved.

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