How have you built happiness into your customer’s experience with your product, service or company?

When customers have a delightful experience, they share. When they share, your customers become part of your marketing department to help spread the word.

A happiness strategy can be something small and unexpected and whose sole purpose is to delight someone. Even if you make the world most superior product, smearing a layer of joy onto the experience is magical.

Happiness and A Slice of Pastrami

When I was in college in the early ’70s, we used to eat lunch at Koch’s Deli in West Philadelphia. It was a landmark as well known as The Liberty Bell or the steps of the Philadelphia Art Museum where Rocky did his thing.

The store packed in the students just like the Koch’s packed their sandwiches on Jewish rye bread.

Louis, one of the Koch’s sons, would wander around the crowded shop handing out thin slices of pastrami. He had a thick Jewish accent and told jokes and stories like a borsht belt comedian. He made everybody smile like Johnny Appleseed except instead of planting apple trees, Louis handed out cured deli meats.

Louis was a marketing genius who knew that happiness would bring people back just as much as great sliced deli meats. He knew that by sharing happiness, customers would bring more customers to experience deli theatre. It worked for decades.

Do you have a happiness strategy for your business?

Who is in charge of handing out thin slices of pastrami at your company?


What are you handing out to customers to make them happy? Need help with some fun ideas? You can set up a time to chat with me about your marketing challenges using my calendar. Email me  Call me. 919 720 0995.  The conversation is free, and we can explore if working together makes sense. Try my new chat feature on my site if you have a quick question.

Photo by MI PHAM on Unsplash