As I launch my marketing consulting business full time, I will continue to share helpful marketing tips and ideas that come from working with my clients. I’ll keep my client’s details confidential unless I have permission to share the solutions I deliver.

The promise for my consulting business is simple and straightforward.

I promise to share unexpected marketing strategies and counter-intuitive tactics that can help you grow your business.

During the past six years, tens of thousands of blog readers come to learn, share challenges, offer solutions and ask for assistance. Now I will have the time to help with a more focused effort full time.

I’m excited, a little nervous but feeling great exhilaration with the challenges ahead. As some of you may recall, I began my professional career as a commercial photographer and then as an entrepreneur with my wife, building Rachel’s Brownies together. So my roots are deeply planted in being self-employed.

I am returning to that world of running my business applying the lessons learned throughout my marketing and general management career.

My First Client

Before the doors of The Marketing Sage officially swing open on July 5th, I have been hired to help guide the marketing for a growing manufacturing business that wanted to go from marketing 1.0 to marketing 2.0  I’m excited to get started and to bring my counter-intuitive approach to help them succeed.  Having that first client say yes before I get started is a great signal from the universe that I’m on the right path.

Having that first client say yes before I get started is a great signal from the universe that I’m on the right path. I’ll share more on this work in a future post.

My Second Client 

Another company reached out to me and has hired me as a marketing advisor for a new product entry into a beverage category. They knew that I have expertise in marketing from my experiences at VP Marketing for Cheerwine, a juice start up and years within the wine industry. When possible, I”ll also post about this very innovative technology and the chance to help them make a big difference in their space.

Two clients and the doors aren’t yet open. I’m am feeling gratitude from the universe. 

To my readers and friends, thank you for continuing to engage with my writing and share my posts with your community of marketing friends. I’m so deeply honored and touched that so many people read my work whose last name isn’t Slater.

When I told my 89-year-old mom that I would be opening a marketing company, she told me I could help her with her marketing any day – and just for the record, she likes to do her marketing at King’s Supermarkets in New Jersey.

The Marketing Sage Consulting

One of the benefits of being a marketing consultant is that you get a peak under the marketing hood of many different companies. You can learn and share new ideas that one client uses or bring new technologies to help improve marketing processes. As the Chief Listening Officer for The Marketing Sage, I’ll be sharing what I learn with readers and clients who are facing marketing challenges.

Since sending out one email to my network, I have had requests from many companies to help with all types of interesting marketing challenges. Besides my first two clients, here is a partial list of some of the challenges readers are facing and need my help:

  1. Create an inspired new brand position that communicates the fundamental value proposition of their technology.
  2. Improve the lead generation process by prequalifying visitors to a website and engaging them before they leave.
  3. Tell a new and fresh story about a tired old brand that makes it feel more current and relevant.
  4. Develop an alternative form of collateral that differentiates this client from the competition.
  5. Help launch a major new product with a more account-based marketing approach that is highly target and measurable.
  6. Make a website come to life with fresh and relevant content.
  7. Identify individual targets who don’t know anything about a company’s products.
  8. Create a one-day in-house training seminar for marketing leaders focused on a few core challenges they face.
  9. Help develop a strategy around social media activities that fits with sales goals.
  10. Find an unusual approach to making key prospects and thought leaders more aware of a brand.
  11. Help find key marketing employees to manage PR and social media in upstate NY.

 I’m just getting started but excited to begin this new chapter in my career. And, I’m particularly thrilled to provide to new clients help with the non-profits of their choice who can use marketing guidance. This one-for-one approach is but a small way to help make a difference.

 Call me for a free consultation to see if I have some solutions to the marketing challenges you face. You can reach me at 919 720 0995. Or fill out this contact form here. Thanks for coming along for the journey.

Mom, I’ll be happy to help you with your marketing anytime.


Graphic: Courtesy of Jeff Lawson at Cowan Designs