I am not sure who enjoys receiving unsolicited phone solicitations at home. Even for good causes. I find them to be unbelievably intrusive although I understand why non-profits do this type of outreach. I suppose they are effective or they would stop. They may help them collect money but they turn me off to their brands.
These calls always put me into a position where I am made to feel guilty if I don’t offer to do what they ask when they tell me their sad story. I am an empathetic person but who invited them into to interrupt me? I am caught off guard and have no context for caring. My reactions is usually to listen for a moment or two and then to be silent. Let them make their pitch. But I don’t feel obligated to speak. Usually I remain silent.
You have my permission to buy Seth’s book |
Asking Permission: They haven’t asked for my permission to engage me. They assume that it is okay to interrupt me in the middle of whatever I am doing at the moment the phone rings.
Many years ago, Seth Godin wrote a fantastic book called PERMISSION MARKETING on this topic. In his book and posts on this subject, he clearly defines how for years the world operated with interruption marketing. Things have changed. Now you have to ask for permission. This landmark book and idea and shifted the marketing landscape.
I am sorry but no matter what you are trying to cleverly sell to me as an advertiser, you can not interrupt whatever I am doing. Over time this annoying activity has become less and less effective method for communicating and trying to sell products and services. Interruption marketing is so old school.
My brother (far right) hosts a conference with Gary Vanyerchuk and Koka Sexton from Linkedin |
Permission marketing in the broadest sense is a very different way for a marketing to approach the world. You seek context, engagement and relationships first before you ask for something. You develop a rapport and engage with them. You never lead with a request or favor.
Every marketing professional advocates how important context is in the process. Gary Vaynerchuk recently spoke at an event sponsored by Linkedin and UBS. (my brother was the host). He was clearly singing from the same song sheet as Seth arguing how it is through building context and deep relationships that you get a chance to engage with prospects. Here is a brief summary of Gary’s speech from an attendee.
Five questions for marketing professionals?
1. Are you interrupting your customers through intrusive marketing?
2. What alternatives methods are there for you to share information that is valuable that they seek out?
3. Have you ever asked them for permission to market to them?
4. Have you ever asked them how they get information on your category or topic?
5. Can you get other people to tell their friends about you and your amazing product offering? Don’t interrupt but give existing customers an amplifier or platform to share your message.
Jab Jab Jab Right Hook
Get in the ring with Gary V |
Do yourself a favor and read (or reread) some Seth or Gary. Reexamine your own marketing efforts through the permission filter. It will do you and your brand a world of good. I give you permission. And check out Gary’s new book to here.
May I have your permission to give you something for free? (see note below).
Note: I am a firm believer in permission marketing. I recently published a marketing book called Unraveling The Mysteries of Marketing. If you would like a free copy, go to Amazon on September 23, 2013 and you can get a copy at no charge. It is written for the novice marketer trying to gain a better understanding of marketing. Enjoy.
Here is an excerpt of a review on Amazon:
“Jeff Slater is a magical story-teller and has the unique gift of weaving in pearls of wisdom among the engaging storyline. His insights on marketing are both completely up to date (timely) and likely to stand the test of time (timeless). This is a great airport read, one you won’t want to put down. I can see why the organizations Jeff has worked with have all been magnificent marketing successes. Kudos to Jeff and all those that read and apply these 21 prescient lessons.” D.Piper
Watch the video trailer explaining more about the book here: