We plant seeds to grow fruits, vegetables, and flowers. It takes time to place a plant or a seed deep in the ground. It needs to sprout roots. Special tools are needed. Patience is required as we allow the light to shine potential on our field. Marketing and farming are similar activities.

Growth can’t be rushed, just like plants. Nourishment, sunshine, and hydration enable a seed to grow. And just like being helpful in a marketplace, awareness, trust, and interest take time to sprout.

We fertilize the plants to build trust. Nutrients are required. We fertilize many times to reinforce and add confidence that we can reap benefits in the future. Farmers know agriculture and gardening are honest work, and they believe in the sanctity of the land. They respect the dignity of the work. It makes sense to honor the people who are part of providing us with the sustenance needed for living our lives.

Soil, like people, needs time to breathe to provide the right conditions. It can’t be overworked or soil will not be the fertile ground needed.

Shoots emerge only when everything is working in harmony.

Patience Establishes Roots

Plants demand patience as we water to build robust root systems. What is below the surface can be as important as what you see above ground. The best fruits come over time and require ongoing hard work, pruning, and care.

We reap the fruits of our labor by harvesting trust.

The fruits symbolize the many resources used at the ground level to set a path for prosperity.  

I think authenticity, trustworthiness, and hard work are required to harvest the fruit of your labor.

Marketing is so similar to farming.

When someone wants immediate results, I remind them how long it takes the winemaker to grow the grapes needed and all that must be present to create a vintage year. Every day, marketers need to seed their market, build relationships, and nurture connections. Over time, green shoots emerge.

Marketers and business people need to adopt a daily mindset so you can be like the farmer who understands that it takes time to harvest the fruits of your labor.

You can set up a time to chat with me about your marketing challenges using my calendar. Email me jeffslater@themarketingsage.com Call me. 919 720 0995. The conversation is free, and we can explore if working together makes sense. Watch a short video about working with me.

Photo by Nandhu Kumar on Unsplash