Welcome to The Marketing  Sage.

After five years of writing the MomentSlater blog, I determined it was time to take the next step to move into the big leagues.  And by big leagues, I mean to move from the Google’s Blogger platform to WordPress. Blogger is a great place to start a blog but has many limitations from a design and functionality perspective. For my marketing friends and community, this is a little “inside baseball” but it truly is a big step forward for any marketer who is serious about blogging, growing a community and sharing ideas.

The Marketing Sage is conceived with the sole focus of providing advice to those who need help unraveling the mysteries of marketing. My blog, still called MomentSlater will continue as free counsel to both marketing professionals as well as those who work in business and need help understanding how marketing can be used as fuel to grow a business, differentiate a brand and to establish your company as a thought leader.

I knew I wanted a name that included within the URL the word marketing. It was important to reinforce that my area of expertise is marketing.  The word sage has an important double meaning.  Sage means to be wise through reflection and experience.  I promise to work hard to earn that moniker through hard work and continuously improving my knowledge.

But sage is also my favorite herb.  And when my daughters were young, I would always season their scrambled eggs with freshly chopped sage leaves. I’d have them rub their tiny fingers across the sage leaf and ask them to smell the fragrance.  So my tagline is “Seasoned Advice.”

Credit goes to Ra Elohim (Ra El) my wife who kept coming back to the name The Marketing Sage over the dozens of ideas I generated. I have learned after 37 years of marriage to listen closely to her instincts about many things.  She reminded me that the name was clear, simple and did meet my all of my criteria.

Thinking about setting up a website or blog?

Here are some great tips to that I learned during the last week:

  1. HOSTING: Blue Host is a simple to follow and highly regarded hosting site. Easy to use and it allowed me to host both Fanny’s new website as well as my own. I was even able to purchase my URL seamlessly through them.
  2. THEMES: Both Fanny and I looked at lots of themes but in the end, picked Elegant Themes.  And within elegant themes we chose a new design format called DIVI that makes building a site really easy for the non-technical marketer.
  3. TUTORIALS: Fortunately, I found a great three hour tutorial on how to use almost every feature. This video was priceless in allowing me to do the things I needed to accomplish and I owe this individual, a world of debt to Josh Jackson (not from Dawson’s Creek fame) and his company WP Sculptor.  Divi also had a very helpful video but Josh’s step by step approach made a big difference.
  4. TRANSITION: Some how the universe provides help to you when you need it. The last part of moving my blog from WordPress required a little bit of technical pizazz.  Fortunately, an IT intern in our office name Abdul, who studies at NC State, was able to guide me through a few technical questions that I couldn’t follow. I found a great step by step video for going from Blogger to WordPress but it assumed a little more knowledge of code that is a few clicks about my pay grade. Thanks to Amit from Digital Inspirations for his cool video too.

So my commitment is to keep posting blogs twice per week on Monday and Wednesday. I want to explore, share and provide ideas on how marketing can help small to mid-sized business grow. I’ll continue to offer consulting services on weekends and evenings through Clarity, a scheduling service for connecting people seeking advice.

I remain grateful for your interest in reading my work.

Enjoy the moments.



P.S. I expect a few technical glitches as I get things up and running. I appreciate your patience. Please let me know if you do have any issues viewing a post or receiving my blogs through email. You can email me at JeffreyLynnSlater@Gmail.com