How do you over-deliver value? If you are doing what you promised, you are average—meeting expectations. Doing what you said you would do isn’t enough – it is getting by. Gliding. You are taking the easy path.

Moreover, when you do more than you promised, you get noticed.

The extra effort jumps off the page. Suddenly, the phone rings more. People are attracted to your business.

A former client who left her job to start her own business asks for some advice a few weeks ago. She told me that she wanted to be wildly successful and asked for my help to guide her. What software did I use, what are the tools for marketing that she needs to buy?

The First Question

My first suggestion for her wasn’t to ask about tools. Instead, I wondered, how will you over-deliver on what is in your agreement with your customers? What’s your plan to be noticed? Remarkable? Memorable?

What is your secret sauce?

I told her about Sasool – a local Mediterranean restaurant that writes a note on each container of hummus or tabouleh that says – I love you, you are special, or we hope you smile today. That tiny gesture makes us feel good – and was a happy surprise in our stay-at-home day.

Their note took a simple transaction and made it memorable. Or, as Seth Godin likes to say, remarkable causing us to remark about it.

Before you begin your work, think about what will make your client or customers sit and up say, wow – we got more than we expected.

Customers who become raving fans because you delivered unexpected value are priceless.

Do a little extra to make someone happy.




Does your business need help on how to over-deliver?

I can help. You can set up a time chat with me about your marketing challenges using my calendar. Our initial conversation is free. You talk, I listen. Email me or call me. 919 720 0995. Visit my website at Let’s explore working together today.




Photo by Yu Hosoi on Unsplash