Is it better to send a well-design email with nice photograph, your company logo, and your products in a template versus a simple, plain-text email?
It is like the choice between plain vanilla or a fancy ice cream flavor. Is one better than another?
The answer is both are good – they each serve different roles.
When you are prospecting and want to communicate with someone who may not know your company, a simple text-only email can breakthrough. It avoids the recipient seeing something fancy and thinking – “someone is trying to sell me something.” A text only email looks like it could be coming from a colleague.
A simple text-only email might be a sentence or two. See my example below of a company specializing in copywriting, who charges reasonable rates for their work.
Plain Vanilla

This email can go to tens of thousands of people or a few hundred. But it doesn’t feel or look salesy. It’s direct and to the point. If you find someone with the need for reasonably priced copywriting services, you can find a lead you can nurture.
Fancy HTML Swirl
A fancy email has formatting and feels like someone is selling something to you. It has photos, screenshots, video images, and lovely fonts. It is trying to connect with you emotionally. Newsletters and some brands use HTML to communicate brand beyond the message. They need to show you their products. Often, you already have a relationship with that company. Perhaps you are a member of their wine club or use their free conferencing services.

What to do?
The curious facts are that plain-text emails are the better format to use for people you want to reach who don’t know you. If your target isn’t aware of you, your brand, product or service, I’d start with a simple text email.
Text only emails get opened and read and typically don’t get caught in company spam filters. Once someone is further down the nurture trail, sending them images and formatted messages makes sense. They already know you (awareness), so they don’t mind receiving your message. Remember the rules of AIDA (awareness, interest, desire and action). Use text when you are starting at the beginning.
Of course, nothing works better than testing. A simple test of both types of emails to similar audiences gives you the best information to consider.
Need help with email marketing strategies?
I can help. You can set up a time chat with me about your marketing challenges using my calendar. Our initial conversation is free. You talk, I listen. Email me or call me. 919 720 0995. Visit my website at Let’s explore working together today.

Photo by Rosie Kerr on Unsplash