I recently listened to Aaron Ross’ book Predictable Revenue. Two smart colleagues mentioned it to me, and it piqued my interest.

By the way, this was my first experience listening to a book on tape. I’m old school and usually like to hold a book in my hand.

Since I’m doing work on outbound marketing sales processes, I was curious to learn from Aaron, who built the Salesforce process for lead generation – without cold calls.


Aaron and his team made a revenue stream above $100MM in recurring revenue and helped to double the enterprise’s growth.

The thesis is simple. It would help if you had a sales machine generating high-quality leads that create predictable revenue. Think of having a faucet turned on so that water (leads) were always flowing to sales.

The book outlines a reimagined cold-call process. It is precisely what I have been doing for years – but it codifies it into a transparent step-by-step process.

Insights from Predictable Revenue:

  • An outbound process, what Aaron calls “cold calling 2.0”, does not involve cold calls. It can produce a 9% response rate that, when carefully nurtured, can turn cold leads into hot prospects. It involves a systematic outbound email marketing process.
  • He outlines fatal mistakes leaders often make in sales and how to avoid them. Many examples are quite useful and can help you avoid the speedbumps.
  • By testing and learning, an outbound sales process can get better and better every day. You’ll learn what works and fails, and then recalculate your message and approach.
  • Self-managing teams are possible but require discipline, structure, and adherence to a new approach to lead generation.

Three Key Steps

  1. Create a predictable lead generation system
  2. Hire a dedicated sales development team, then specialize
  3. Follow a consistent sales system process.

Key to this work is defining an ideal client prospect, You’ll need to find like, and similar companies is a critical first step to creating a relevant targeting outbound (email marketing) campaign.

How can you break through the clutter? What’s the smart approach to delivering messaging about solving pain points?

Watch this video to help you get an understanding of his approach. There is also a helpful podcast with lots of great ideas to help you put these ideas into practice.

If your sales and marketing effort are stalled – read (or listen) to this book. I predict it will help you rethink how you go to market.




Need help creating predictable revenue?

I can help. You can set up a time chat with me about your marketing challenges using my calendar. Our initial conversation is free. You talk, I listen. Email me jeffslater@themarketingsage.com or call me. 919 720 0995. Visit my website at www.themarketingsage.com. Let’s explore working together today.




Photo by Giorgio Trovato on Unsplash