Many marketers think the biggest challenge they have is all the noise around them. So many brands are screaming for awareness, how can you grab the attention of someone?

The real issue isn’t attention but sameness. Dull, boring, unoriginal products and services that are mere copycats- that is a marketer’s real challenge. 

A lack of meaningful differentiation is the core problem. When you do something differently from everyone else, you become important and relevant to a community.

  • How many companies make shirts? But how many companies make shirts for people who don’t want the shirt tucked into their pants? (Just one- )
  • How many companies provide transportation for seniors? (How many make it so easy that all you need is a phone and no skills with apps? (Just one –
  • How many companies rent tuxes for weddings? (How many don’t have stores and deliver the tuxedo directly to your home and offer free alterations? Just one- )

Sameness is the Enemy

Products can be the same, but can you change the business model to remove friction from the purchase? How can you make it easier for customers to buy? How can you make the transaction seamless?

  • The Dollar Shave Club sells a similar razor to Gillette. But they deliver them as a subscription to your home.
  • Chewy takes the hassle out of going to a pet store and buying the same heavy cat food and litter each month by sending it to me automatically on the same day of each month.
  • NPR makes it easier to give by setting up an auto deduction from my credit card, so I am now a sustainer. Instead of asking me to make a one-time pledge, it just happens each month.

Sameness means you blend into the category and behave like everyone else. Blah and boring are not a tactic to get people to talk about your brand.

It starts by knowing a community and understanding how you can serve them in a meaningful and different way.

Sameness is the enemy.

Don’t just think different.

Be different, act different and serve a distinctive community.


Need help finding a meaningful point of difference? I have a habit of thinking differently when it comes to business, brands, and marketing. I can help you grow your business. 919 720 0995 or

Photo credit: Flickr Thanks, Megan Ann

To my blog readers who reached out and wished my Mom a happy 90th, thank you so much. Here is a little thank you note she wanted me to post:

To all my son Jeff’s blog followers, thank you for all the kind words for my 90th birthday. I had a wonderful celebration and I appreciate you honoring me. Love, Bea.