In a recent interview, Zip Recruiter’s CEO and founder Ian Siegel said that they eliminate features on their website that aren’t used by more than 50% of their users every year. Their goal is to enhance their customer’s experience. They don’t want to lose sight of their mission to help employers find the right employee. They choose between bells & whistles.

Imagine that, trying to make things easier to use for their customers by eliminating not adding complexity.

They even eliminated entirely a new platform for HR onboarding when they recognized that it was not vital to their mission.

One Simple Marketing Tip

What can you eliminate from your product offering? How can you improve your customer’s experience?

Unless you are in the business of selling bells or whistles, why not delete 20% of your product (or feature) offering and see if your customers don’t have a better experience?

  • Almost every business has 20% of their products doing 80% of their volume.
  • How is your company helping customers make decisions easier?
  • The paradox of choice is real.

The hardest thing to get from a prospect is their attention. Don’t waste that valuable gift by complicating a customer’s life. Customers needs are often simple. If you are making things complicated, you aren’t helping.

Simple always wins, especially if you sell both bells & whistles.


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Gran and friends