Bill, Judy, and Bobby Edwards have a business based in St. George, Utah. Their tagline is Poop Better™. I’m not kidding. They are the inventors of the Squatty Potty, a stool designed to help you eliminate stools.

It all began when Judy had some problems with constipation. She tried traditional remedies that didn’t work and eventually learned about the benefit of squatting to help relax and straighten the colon while sitting on the toilet.

When I first saw the video, I thought this was a parody and not about a real product. I watched it twice. I couldn’t stop laughing. Slowly, I realized how smart their approach was to market a plastic stool. They don’t talk about their product, their talk about your problem going to the bathroom. Their message is all about eliminating your struggle – in the toilet.

Toilet posture made all the difference, and they designed a stool that allowed you to place your feet at an elevated position while you sit on a traditional toilet. This story would be funny, but the number one reason I am sharing this is because they are brilliant marketers.

Ok, I guess it’s the number two reason.

Squatty Potty -We Are Number Two!

They developed a series of videos playing off the prince in The Princess Bride, Unicorns that poop ice cream and all things potty. I know. Sounds ridiculous. But more than fifty million people have watched these highly entertaining tales.

These absurdly wild videos educate while entertaining. I doubt any ad agency would ever pitch such a bizarre idea to a client, yet these viral videos have successfully helped them market a plastic stool. (The kind you put your feet on). Their original video that cost only $5,000 to produce created an influx of orders and inquiries from retailers.

How Did They Do It?

  1. They solve a real problem and demonstrate it with humor.
  2. Their brand name is clever and fun and tells their story.
  3. They use potty-humor to engage and entertain the video viewer.
  4. Their website and digital presence is simple and uncluttered. It’s easy for a consumer to learn and take action to buy.
  5. Their customer service phone number proclaims: TALK TO A HUMAN. A nice change from the typical voicemail hell most companies put you through today.
  6. They have cleverly partnered with retailers and other media outlets to help spread the word.
  7. They don’t take themselves too seriously. Yet, they solve a serious problem.
  8. They are on a mission (higher purpose) to help change the way people poop, one stool at a time.
  9. Their story is flush with puns keeping us educated and entertained at the same time.

Watch the video. Check out their website. What could you do with video to wipe away your competitors?



Photo and video credit: Squatty Potty – All rights reserved and none claimed by the author.

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