Stop Calling Me A Human Resource
My head exploded last Thursday.
A new prospect reached out to me for some help with a marketing project.
Robert spent an hour talking about his human resources as if they were assets he picked up through Amazon. By the end of the call, he asked me if I could help him with the project he outlined.
I hesitated.
But eventually said to Robert that it was troubling to me to hear him speak about people as resources. That it felt like in his attempt to motivate his team, he treated them in a way that wasn’t seeing them as humans.
After a pregnant pause – told me that he thought human resources was how everyone talked about people in the business. He acknowledged that he should be more thoughtful thinking about the people he employs.
I’m fortunate to have had a range of experiences where I was Jeff – not a resource. You can read about that here.
I also had a particularly horrific experience where I felt like I was treated like– how can I say this politely? Well, like shit.
I still don’t like to say the name of the man I worked for who made me feel small, insignificant and unappreciated. To him, all employees were disposable resources.
“What is a good man but a bad man’s teacher. What is a bad man but a good man’s job.” Lao Tze from the Tao Te Ching
How Do You Treat People?
- Businesses with a healthy environment see people as they are and are clear about roles and responsibilities. People they work with are treated with respect.
- Toxic work environments tend to have a chaotic, reactionary environment where people are just “tools” to get the job done. People they work with feel used, squeezed and unappreciated.
- Effective leaders understand the power of empathy and vulnerability.
- Ineffective leaders think they can manage through fear. That never works.
The People Department
Call it what you want, but a human resource is a person. Using a bureaucratic phrase makes me cringe.
I like human-centric departments focuses on people, talent, and aspirations. Be creative.
Rename the Human Resource Department into something that communicates what you want people to feel.
By the way, my favorite title for the person who runs that department is Chief Heart Officer. (HT to Claude Silver at Vaynermedia)
Do you need help with creative names for your departments?
I can help. You can set up a time chat with me about your marketing challenges using my calendar. Our initial conversation is free. You talk, I listen. Email me or call me. 919 720 0995. Visit my website at Let’s explore working together today.
Photo by Nick Fewings on Unsplash