The company I work for uses a travel agency to help us schedule flights and leverage some volume purchasing. This past week, I had to rebook my flights back from Germany to the U.S. due to the big storm on the east coast.

Had I called the carrier (American), I wouldn’t have spoken to a human being without an extremely long wait. And then, when you do connect, the person on the other end isn’t that motivated. He or she doesn’t know me. They don’t have a human connection with me. They aren’t the person I need in the driver’s seat helping to guide me home.

I needed Norma.

The Motivated Human

I have worked with Norma at our travel agency, Beeline Travel, to help me make travel arrangements for seven years. We haven’t met in person. Most of the time, I could make my reservations online just as quickly. But in an emergency situation when everyone is trying to rebook flights, a travel agent who knows you is worth their weight in gold or silver or platinum. Getting help from Norma is a real upgrade.

Once my flights were cancelled, we talked for more than a ninety minutes attempting to figure out options. She patiently worked with me to help me consider the pros and cons of different situations. She can’t predict the weather.

We are so quick to assume that technology is always the best answer. Even something that is old school like a travel agent can be incredibly valuable, in these special cases. I realize that I wasn’t buying a ticket. What I needed was compassion.

Fortunately, I got both. Aisle 12 seat B – it is the compassion seat.

In your daily work, are you sure what you are really selling to your customers? Often, it’s the expression of each human being opening their heart.




Photo credit: Jennifer

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